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Cole considered early favorite to win House Appropriations gavel

Aidan Quigley, CQ-Roll Call on

Published in News & Features

Cole pushed for the extra Sandy aid by pointing to that history. “He said, ‘I’m supporting Rodney Frelinghuysen because during the Indian removal, his ancestor had the courage to get up on the floor for three days to plead for their safety,’” Frelinghuysen said in recalling Cole’s effort. “It meant something to me when he got up on the floor and spoke for my bill.”

Aderholt angle

If he runs for the seat, Aderholt is likely to lean into his opposition to the final fiscal 2024 appropriations package. Aderholt opposed the measure after his effort to strip Senate Democrats’ earmarks for LGBTQ services and hospitals that perform abortions from the measure fell short.

“We got rid of all our poison riders, and Schumer wouldn’t agree to take away their poisonous earmarks,” Aderholt said.

A majority of House Republicans joined Aderholt in opposition to the six-bill package, with 112 Republicans voting against the measure and just 101 supporting it.

Aderholt, 58, was first elected to Congress in 1996, and represents a northern Alabama district that is one of the most Republican in the country.


While some House conservatives may be more in line ideologically with Aderholt than Cole, the Steering Committee’s makeup — primarily establishment Republicans — gives Cole a clear early edge.

After Steering Committee action, the House Republican Conference would need to ratify the selection in a vote that is considered a formality.


(David Lerman contributed to this report.)

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