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Commentary: Christian nationalism is a grave threat to America

Cathy F. Young, The Fulcrum on

Published in News & Features

The most comprehensive research study to date of American religion was conducted by sociologists’ Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry. Their study, with over 16,000 people, noted Christian nationalism paradoxically holds America as sacred in God’s sight. It baptizes authoritarian rule. It sanctifies the preservation of order with righteous violence. It glorifies the patriarchal, heterosexual family as not only God’s biblical standard, but the cornerstone of all thriving civilizations.

Christian nationalism is a political movement couched in religious language. Its ultimate goal is earthly power — control over people and issues they don’t like — which is the exact opposite of what the gospels teach us. Jesus came as a suffering servant who gave his life for all of us, whether we’re rich, poor, gay, straight, Black, white, Brown, of any culture, of any creed and of any language.

Christian nationalism doesn’t reflect what Jesus taught and how he lived his life. The Bible’s overarching theme is God’s love for all of us — regardless of our skin color, political affiliation, economic status or gender identity. While I’m a Christian, I believe God’s love is extended to all people. The gospel (which means “good news”) is always a gift. It should never be used as a weapon.

What can we do? Each of us must think carefully about where our greatest allegiance lies. Matthew 22:22 quotes Jesus saying, “give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God the things that are God’s.” We can be Christian and still be patriotic, which — simply stated — is love for one’s country. Nationalism is putting our highest allegiance to our country, especially its historically dominant ethnic, social, and cultural classes. Politics usurps what belongs only to our Creator.

Between now and Nov. 5, Americans cannot be misled by self-serving politicians or Christian nationalist clergy like most German Christians were. Christian nationalism flagrantly distorts Christianity and purposely puts down people of color, the disabled, those who are LGBTQIA ... just like Hitler did.


I pray that we, as Americans, will continue to respect democracy, non-violence, and the critical separation of religion and government as we demonstrate love for all our neighbors.


Young is a retired pastor in the Presbyterian Church.


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