


High ambition: 1 in 10 have used weed before work


Published in Weird News

NEW YORK (UPI) -- Let's be blunt. A survey of U.S. adults suggests nearly 10 percent have gone to work high on marijuana on at least one occasion.

The SurveyMonkey poll of 534 U.S. workers, conducted for website Mashable using the pollster's SurveyMonkey Audience online polling system, found nearly 10 percent of respondents admitted to facing their bosses while baked and about 81 percent of those red-eyed risk-takers said they had obtained their ganja through less-than-legal channels.

Less than 2 percent, however, said they would be likely to show up for work under the influence of marijuana in the future.


The survey also suggests about 28.28 percent of U.S. workers have gone to work while under the influence of prescription drugs, with 7.28 percent of respondents saying they were using the prescription pills recreationally and nearly 5 percent admitting the drugs had not been prescribed to them by a doctor.

About 16 percent of those polled said they are likely to show up on the job with prescription drugs in their system in the future.

Copyright 2014 by United Press International


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