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Everyday Cheapskate: Stop Whining!

Mary Hunt on

One day, out of complete and utter frustration with myself and recalling those sessions with my kids from years before, I sat myself down, looked myself straight in the eye and said: "Stop whining! I cannot listen to you when you whine because it gives me a headache."

I went on to repeat some of my loathsome whining, and that nearly shocked me to death. Do I really sound like that?

Treatment was clear: I had to kick into tough-love mode and completely ignore myself when I whined. I could not pay attention to myself when I whined, blamed or complained.

The result was fairly astounding. In a short time, I, too, became a nonwhiner.

So, tell me. Are you a whiner? Are you into blaming and complaining? If so, refuse to listen to that anymore. Do not reward yourself with sympathy and attention when you whine, blame and complain. And stop feeling sorry for yourself.

You can either give in to your circumstances or rise above them. You can remain in your misery or climb out of it and look around.


You can dig your pit of despair a little deeper, or you can make the commitment to do whatever it takes to turn your financial life around.

The choice is yours.


Mary invites you to visit her at, where this column is archived complete with links and resources for all recommended products and services. Mary invites questions and comments at, "Ask Mary." This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of, a frugal living blog, and the author of the book "Debt-Proof Living."

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