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Inspiring advice on becoming 'Your Own Inspiration'

Cynthia Conrad, on

Published in Mom's Advice

Dr. Christina Rahm’s third book in her Cure the Causes series, "Be Your Own Inspiration," stands out as a unique and comprehensive guide to self-discovery, self-empowerment and self-evolution. It’s not just another self-help book, but a transformative journey that starts with the self.

Rahm’s approach is not just theoretical, but highly practical. She provides us with a new framework for thinking about ourselves and others, our past, present and future, our strengths and weaknesses, and our barriers to growth. Moreover, she equips us with strategies to apply these frameworks in real-life situations, helping us build our mental and emotional muscles toward adaptability, confidence and joy.

Rahm’s background in holistic healing comes through in a chapter covering a wide range of complementary and alternative therapies that can be used to support wellness. She emphasizes the importance of balancing mind, body, and spirit, offering readers a plethora of ways to do so. There’s indeed something for everyone in her recommendations.

The importance of reading gets its own chapter, which is worth the price of admission alone. Of course, as book lovers, we’re partial! The written word is a window into the world that helps broaden your mind, build empathy, and even improve issues like low mood, difficulty focusing and memory problems.

Special focus is given to overcoming past trauma and embracing and recontextualizing failure. Rahm encourages us to start where we are, with what we have, and trust that what we need to succeed is within us — even if that is merely the ability to obtain what we need through persistence. She also shows how our barriers can be reshaped as tools to further our growth, and teaches a variety of gratitude practices that can help shift our frame of thought.


Importantly, Rahm includes advice for helping others through the same processes, for finding connection with others as part of our own journey. While you can accomplish much through solitary reflection and decisive action, a network of friends and family members brings higher levels of fulfillment and meaning to our lives, as well as a support system whenever we need it.

"Be Your Own Inspiration" is for anyone seeking personal growth. It’s written in a straightforward style, with clear examples, thought-provoking exercises, and concise tips. Rahm’s years of experience in the field are evident in the polished and refined content, which is free from any unnecessary complexity. She even explains the scientific principles behind the methodologies, making it accessible to all.

Weighing in at only 140 pages, this book is short enough to read in one or two sittings, but you will find yourself returning to it repeatedly. It’s chock full of pithy, quotable lines that would make great fodder for journal prompts or to put on sticky notes as daily reminders. "Be Your Own Inspiration" is as inspiring and hopeful as the name suggests.


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