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Orange Strawberry Dessert

Zola on

Editor's Note: We think you'll enjoy today's previously published Zola classic...

People are always asking me what the consequences are if they cheat on a diet. I always answer the same way.

It depends.

There are some minor cheats you can make on a diet without putting yourself in the penalty box.

There are other things you can do to cheat on a diet that can have lasting effects and might even sabotage you altogether. The baseline thing you have to remember is that if you cheat you are only hurting yourself. So why do it? If you’re on a diet that has a time limit like Plan Z does (48 days of ZReduction) it’s really not worth it to set yourself back by cheating. You want to maximize your results.

That said, let’s say you’re a guest at a wedding coming up. You know there are going to be temptations all around you. It’s just one day and likely just one meal. If you can’t eat ahead and just socialize, then what’s the strategy if you’re convinced you’re going to cave? Here are some hints on things you can do that you might get away with...

Read the full column at

Orange Strawberry Dessert

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This is a ZReduction recipe. This is a super simple, refreshing dessert to eat during the warm weather. As the season changes you can switch out the orange for ripe peaches. You’ll be amazed at how fancy this tastes with very little effort. You’ll feel like you’re cheating…but you’re not!


Serving Size: Up to one cup


1 lb of strawberries, hulled and cut into quarters
2 large oranges
½-1 tsp of Truvia
1 tsp of chopped mint (optional)


Wash and prep your strawberries. For the orange you can just peel it and cut the segments into bite-sized pieces or, if you hate the pith (the white part that coats the orange segments) as much as I do you’ll peel the orange using a paring knife. I cut the peel and the pith off at the same time. I might waste a bit of orange flesh, but not much.

Put the cut up orange pieces and the strawberries in a bowl. Sprinkle on the Truvia. If you want to make it a little fancier, add the mint and stir.

Leave in the refrigerator to macerate (combine flavors and get juicy) while you are having dinner. Serve in a pretty bowl with a spoon or a fork. If there is juice in the bottom of your bowl, feel free to sip it.





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