From the Right



Biden's 'Fiscally Responsible Ways'

Terence P. Jeffrey on

President Joe Biden -- in his State of the Union address -- once again tried to present himself as a "fiscally responsible" president.

"And, by the way, the first couple of years, we cut the deficit," he said, according to the White House transcript of his speech.

"I've been delivering real results in fiscally responsible ways," he said. "We've already cut the federal deficit -- we've already cut the federal deficit by over $1 trillion."

"It's my goal," said Biden, "to cut the federal deficit another $3 trillion by making big corporations and the very wealthy finally beginning to pay their fair share."

Biden made similar claims in the fiscal 2025 budget proposal the White House published this week.

"So far, we have already cut the deficit by $1 trillion since I took office, one of the biggest reductions in history, and I have signed legislation to cut it by $1 trillion more," he said in his statement to Congress at the beginning of the proposal. "My Budget would reduce it by another $3 trillion over the next 10 years as well, while continuing to pay for our investments in America."


As this column has noted before, Biden also made such claims in his fiscal 2023 budget proposal, which was released in March 2022.

"Critically, my Budget would also keep our Nation on a sound fiscal course," Biden said in that proposal.

"The deficit is on track to drop by more than $1 trillion this year, the largest-ever one-year decline," that March 2022 proposal said.

"The Budget's investments are more than paid for through additional tax reforms that ensure corporations and the wealthiest Americas pay their fair share, allowing us to cut costs for American families, strengthen our economy, and cut deficits and debt by more than $1 trillion over the coming decade," Biden said.


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