From the Right



'The Art of the Deal': I Have a Way for Trump To Turn the COVID Vaccine Into Biggest Win-Win of All Time!

Wayne Allyn Root on

C) All the deaths on the early-warning VAERS list compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

D) The fact that Big Pharma tried to cover up the trial results for 75 years.

Think about that for a minute. Can you imagine if any other medical product in history showed deaths, injuries and pregnant women miscarrying, and the company told doctors it was fine and then tried to bury the truth for 75 years?

We also found out recently that the CDC had a memo ready to go public that warned the COVID vaccine causes elevated levels of myocarditis (damage to your heart). But it was never released. Why? How many Americans died because the CDC withheld the memo? Then, soon thereafter, the CDC put out an announcement urging everyone -- including children -- to get the latest booster.

Can you imagine if any CEO in America knew a product was deadly, had a warning announcement ready to go but never released it, and then urged everyone to use their product? That's called "mass murder." That CEO would be in prison for life.

Having said all of that, I want to help elect President Trump. He should never again praise the vaccine. But he does not need to condemn it either. He never needs to do a 180-degree flip. He never has to say a bad word about the vaccine. If he does what I'm about to recommend, all is forgiven, and Trump moves his odds of victory even higher. Here it is.


Trump needs to pledge that if elected, he'll do these four things and he turns the COVID vaccine into a "win-win":

1. Trump pledges an executive order on Day 1 that bans any mandates ever again regarding the COVID vaccine, masks or lockdowns. They are now illegal. No one can ever again be forced to do anything against their will. You want the vaccine, you want to wear masks, you want to hide in your home or close your business? Do it. But everyone else is free to not do it. End of story. It's called FREEDOM.

2. Trump pledges on Day 1 to order a special counsel investigation of Big Pharma and the COVID vaccines so we can find out once and for all, does the vaccine work, or is it dangerous? Were we fed a steady stream of lies and propaganda? Did Big Pharma cover up deaths and injuries? Are "excess deaths" up dramatically worldwide since the vaccine? Did Big Pharma cover up deaths? Why did they want to seal the trial results for 75 years? If none of this is true, then Big Pharma has nothing to be afraid of.

3. Pledge to name Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the lead special prosecutor of this investigation. The man has integrity when it comes to vaccines. That's his life's work. With RFK Jr. in charge, we know Big Pharma can't buy their way out of indictments.


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