


Agitating the Bull

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As anyone who has participated in the Festival of San Fermin in Pamplona, Spain, can attest, unpredictable things can happen when the bulls are subject to intensified energy. The already powerful thrust of Taurus vibes will be turned up with the solar conjunction to Uranus. It's a red cape wave with adrenaline-fueled results.

ARIES (March 21-...Read more

Mother's Moon

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When the moon is in Cancer, she is a mother in her glory, as this is the realm of sky that is her home. It is where her intuition is the strongest, and the instinct to nurture and protect glows like a beacon of guidance or warning, of warmth or truth-revealing illumination. When the moon is in Cancer, she is an orb of instinct in service of ...Read more

Maternal Moon

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A maternal Cancer moon guides the lead-up to Mother's Day and will also shine through tomorrow's parental acknowledgement. "Mother, any distance greater than a single span requires a second pair of hands. You come to help me measure windows, pelmets, doors, the acres of the walls, the prairies of the floors." -- Simon Armitage

ARIES (March 21...Read more

Overwhelming the Moon

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On a day with two lunar squares and a moon change, the overwhelm is real. Take a few steps back from the scene. If you have to take a dozen breaks, that's better than going deeper into the frustration. Also, keep in mind, in many cases these are agreements we're dealing with, not laws. Most is negotiable. Don't be afraid to change what isn't ...Read more

Porcupine Aspects

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As the Gemini moon gets prickly with Mars and strident with Saturn, closeness is a tricky consideration. Though all relationships have their challenges, emotional intimacy comes with risk so acutely felt that some will leave certain connections in the abstract. What do the porcupines do? The mere willingness to muse on the matter can add ...Read more

Taurus Lunar Transition

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In the lunar transition from Taurus to Gemini, it may feel like you don't quite know what is best to work on. Often, the first step to solving a problem is knowing what it is. But if you don't know what it is, there's no need to fret. Take it as a cue to relax and make your mood and life as lovely and comfortable as possible. This is the way ...Read more

New Money Moon

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The new moon in Taurus is a stroke of financial luck, though probably not in the form of a cash win. As we learn from the "lottery curse" -- the phenomenon where many lottery winners experience negative consequences from the windfall -- the most auspicious economic gains are aligned with purposeful intentions and core values.

ARIES (March 21-...Read more

Rolling Toward a New Money Moon

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The reputation of "new money" may be gauche, but new, old or no money can be just as awkward. As we slide into tomorrow's new moon in Taurus, the chance to examine our relationship to finance and all involved emotions, history and intentions is ever near. What resources do you want for yourself? What currency will you trade for it?

ARIES (...Read more

Cinco de Mayo Cosmic Conjunction

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In the United States, the fifth of May is an opportunity to celebrate Mexican culture and heritage, in this case under a lunar alliance. The moon forms a conjunction with Mercury in the fiery warrior sign of Aries on this day of remembrance for the time a Mexican army was outnumbered yet prevailed with the victory in the Battle of Puebla of ...Read more


Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The moon dons a tail as it swims through the sea of Pisces and then, while waiting for the lava flow of hot Aries to harden, grows feet to make the transition to land. What kinds of adaptations will you make to adjust to the changing conditions? There simply isn't time to resist the inevitable, and nothing is more inevitable than change.

...Read more

Incrementally Becoming

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In stories, big changes happen in an instant. But the reality we know often moves with small changes that, over time, create a new circumstance. The recent shifts of Venus, Mars and Pluto are a reminder that becoming is often an incremental process. Do not doubt that your small acts of grace will, in time, build your better world.

ARIES (...Read more

Pluto Retrograde

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Maybe being wrong isn't fun, but it's definitely inevitable. Pluto retrograde recalls how the people who know they are flawed are less flawed than the ones who believe they are beyond reproach. If we let them, the better angels of our nature will sway us to compensate for our wrongness in beautiful ways. With love and compassion, we can ...Read more

The Thin Veil

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Celebrants, light your bonfires, feast and dance the maypole -- maybe not in that order. It was the belief of the ancients that on this day of Beltane, the veil between realms of reality is at its thinnest. It ties in with the themes of fertility, which is quite literally the bridge between what is not and what is. On this midpoint between ...Read more

Young Mars

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The vigor and youth of the warrior planet is never so pronounced as when he is in his own realm. Aries is the home of Mars, and there he returns, reminding us of where our vitality originates. Back to the basics of what fuels us. Desire, appetite, need -- these are what motivates action. Where there is a lack of energy, there is a lack of need...Read more

Venus Change

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Today brings a Venus change, and tomorrow it's Mars, which is a logical order in the "ladies first" kind of way. Both Venus and Mars are returning to their favorite places -- Mars to the warrior realm of Aries and Venus to the first sign she rules: sensual, beautiful Taurus. These comfortable returns are harbingers of good fortune and healthy ...Read more

Mars and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

When you learn about nature, you are learning about you. When you learn about history, you are learning about you. When you learn business, you are learning about you. Mars and Neptune align in Pisces to show us how we are connected to all things. Through worldly observations, we gain deeper insights into our own existence.

ARIES (March 21-...Read more

Forms of Directness

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The respite from retrogrades is a good time to consider that progress can look like movement, and it can also look like a stall. Pauses have something to offer. Later, a moment spent waiting around may even be your favorite of the day. Sure, a wrench in the works can cause a grinding halt. But on the bright side, "Hey! A new tool!"

ARIES (...Read more

Planetary Torch Pass

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

In primal days when it wasn't so easy to make fire, keeping flames going was an important job given to responsible people who understood the significance of their watch. A sacred spirit is alive wherever people pass torches, metaphorical or otherwise. There's expectation that all will keep it burning to the best of their ability. Much depends ...Read more

Another Retrograde Down

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The start of the year was remarkably retrograde-free, and then Mercury pulled the Retrograde Fools' Day prank and got the backward ball rolling. Next up, Pluto will take his moonwalk move on May 2. For the record, Venus is the only planet that doesn't retrograde this year; the love goddess has opted out of the shenanigans, opting for a year of...Read more

In the Last Moments of Mercury Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

When you sense yourself veering off course, pause. Orient yourself. Do not ask too many questions. Questions send your mind into search mode. Instead of questioning, simply observe your surroundings and affirm your reality with statements, even if they're just whispered to yourself. Being aware of where you stand is almost as good as being "...Read more



Dick Wright Bart van Leeuwen For Heaven's Sake Adam Zyglis Drew Sheneman Ginger Meggs